When it comes to the Nissan Leaf the car is the product of my blog.
The Nissan Leaf fits in the category of speciality product. In the buying part of this product: research and habit are two important elements. When it comes to advertising , Nissan uses precise advertising to keep a product image.
For the Nissan Leaf, the product line is limited due to the fact that is a speciality product. The options that are available are related to the consumer preference profile and include color and interior specifications.
The Nissan Leaf`s product line extension includes applications and web designated games.
The Nissan Leaf is an example of co-branding . It benefits from two names : Nissan and Leaf. These two names form a trademark.
Included with the Nissan Leaf there is a included warranty of 100.000 miles or 10 years as well as a 5 year warranty for the battery.
Example of the branding:
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